The philosophy of our school is based upon principles which are holistic, inclusive, aspirational and progressive. We are a school where attainment and achievement matter.
We recognise the importance of teaching and learning and also recognise the fundamental importance of esteem, attachments, relationships and belonging. In order to promote these beliefs, we have access to a variety of therapeutic inputs including psychology, neuro linguistic programming, mental health specialists, speech and language therapist, occupational therapist, cognitive behaviour therapist and counsellors.
At The Wenlock School we recognise that emotional wellbeing is an essential pre-requisite for academic success, positive behaviour and positive mental health. As a team we work proactively to build esteem, self-image, aspiration and a sense of belonging. We also recognise that the work we do here doesn’t just impact upon the young person whilst they are with us, but lays the future foundations for a happy, meaningful and healthy lifestyle.
We aim to equip our young people with the skills, belief systems and confidence to achieve in school, at home and in the world of lifelong learning and work.
Referrals and Evaluation of Potential Students
The therapy team may be asked to assist in evaluating the suitability, in terms of particular need and support, of a referred pupil. This will involve a study of the psychological advice provided in each pupil’s Education, Health and Care Plan. Therapy staff are able to build up a picture of individual pupils and then advise members of the Senior Leadership Team as to the suitability or otherwise of children referred to the school.
Using their contacts with other professionals they might access further information about a pupil and engage in informal discussions to clarify any inconsistencies and ambiguities contained in more formal reports. In this way, members of the therapy team are able to gain a clear understanding of the individual needs of potential students and to make appropriate plans for prioritised therapy.
Some children arrive at the school with a request for therapeutic input as part of their Education, Health and Care Plan, others may be referred at a later date in their school career as a result of developments in their emotional or social lives at home or at school. Referrals from school staff are submitted to the school SENCO and the Well-being & Clinical Coordinator, who then evaluate and prioritise cases at regular panel meetings with the therapeutic team every half term.
Individual sessions are planned and delivered according to individual pupil need, usually once a week for about forty minutes. Topics covered may cover themes such as attachment disorders, anger management or the building of self-esteem. While client confidentiality is always respected, a half-termly report is produced for staff, parents/carers, Local Authorities and other involved professionals.
Therapy staff provide an important link between the therapy input, the school day and the pupils’ personal education key worker. To this end, the therapy team work alongside the education team to discuss and draw up individual targets for each of their identified pupils.
The therapy team carry out a series of assessments which provide detailed information about our pupils; these details can be used to set individual targets, to identify areas of strength and targets, and to draw up accurate profiles for each pupil. Results gained from these assessments are shared with the individual pupil, parents, members of staff and other professionals involved with each young person.