We are committed to providing the highest standards in relation to the safeguarding of the children and young people entrusted to our care.
Designated Safeguarding Lead: Patrick Holness
Deputy Designated Safeguarding Lead: Simon Smith, Andy Moore, Raelene Austin, Rachel Deeley and Rachel Westwood
The Wenlock School has Safeguarding and Child Protection procedures, policy documents and a training programme that incorporates Government and Policy Legislation. Staff are given a copy of the Child Protection Procedures and receive annual training from trained staff. Parents/carers, social workers, placing authorities and other significant people are offered a copy of the Child Protection Policy.
The Wenlock School provides policy guidance, which sets out clear guidelines and expectations in the school with regard to appropriate relationships between all staff and the children. At The Wenlock School, we provide a very caring and professional setting in which the children will be given full emotional support without it being detrimental to their safety and well-being. All staff are aware of their responsibilities for Safeguarding and promoting the welfare of young people.
The Wenlock School has a duty of care and therefore a responsibility to pass on any child protection and safeguarding concerns to the relevant children’s social care services